Committed to delivering empowering coaching solutions
Coaching has become a very powerful tool in business to upgrade skill sets and help leaders achieve greater success in their businesses.
QualityLife Company has been in the learning and development business for over 20 years, but since 2015, we have been focusing on delivering coaching solutions, both in groups and one-on-one. In particular, we run our WeLead Circles for women which are peer-to-peer coaching circles for individuals wanting to fast-track leadership development.
This service was previously offered to women only, but we now offer mixed gender circles as well. Groups meet once a month for two hours, in groups of 6 to 10 who form a collegial network. In these sessions, participants support, energise, and push each other to achieve personal leadership goals, and hold each other accountable for the achieving them.
We offer both public WeLead circles, for any individuals wanting to step-up their leadership, as well as in-house circles, for organisations wanting to energise their executive teams to action their goals.
One of the best decisions I have made regarding networking, learning and development was to put my hand up and join a WeLead circle.